
AI Provider

AI Provider is an actor that provides AI Data Sources for the Oraichain system. The provider will receive incentives when there is a request to his provided AI Data Source. The incentive rate is explicitly defined in the message MsgCreateAIDataSource. In the Oraichain system, anyone could become an AI Provider.

AI Data Source

AI Data Source is a basic element in the Oraichain network. It describes a way to provide an AI model for users. An AI Provider can create and register different AI Data Sources in the Oraichain using the message MsgCreateAIDataSource sent to the system. The AI Data Source metadata will be stored on Oraichain for transparency and for everyone to see using the AIDataSource struct. There are some parameters given in the message as follows:

  • The owner of the AI Data Source, which is also the one that receives incentives. Moreover, the owner can edit the information related to his data sources.

  • Name of the data source.

  • The transaction fee when requesting data from the AI model.

  • The source code of the data source that will be executed by the validators.

  • The overall description of the data source.

If you notice, the source code of the data source is only stored off-chain, because its size can be large. We should only keep the stored data small only to minimize the gas fee and execution time for the nodes.

Testcase Provider

Testcase Provider is an actor that provides AI test cases for the Oraichain system. The Provider receives incentives when having a request to his test cases, and the reward rate is defined in the message MsgCreateTestcase. Similar to the AI Provider, anyone can be a test case provider.

AI Testcase

AI test case is one of the most fundamental elements in the Oraichain system. It consists of a set of inputs and outputs encrypted for privacy purposes. This set is indicated by Oracle Scripts to examine the credibility of the AI Data Sources before actually executing the request. In order to register for an AI test case, the test case provider needs to specify some parameters in the MsgCreateTestCase:

  • The owner of the AI Test Case, which is also the one that receives incentives. Moreover, the owner can edit the information related to his test cases.

  • Name of the test case.

  • The transaction fee when executing the test case.

  • The source code of the test case that will be run by the validators.

  • The overall description of the test case.

The Test Case metadata will be stored on Oraichain for transparency and for everyone to see using the TestCase struct. Below are the attributes of a test case that are stored on-chain:

  • The owner of the Test Case, which is also the one that receives incentives. Moreover, the owner can edit the information related to his test cases.

  • Name of the test case.

  • The transaction fee when executing the test case.

  • Description: The overall description of the test case.

If you notice, the source code of the test case is only stored off-chain, because its size can be large. We should only keep the stored data small only to minimize the gas fee and execution time for the nodes.

Oracle Script

When an individual requests data from the Oraichain's oracle, he calls one of the existing Oracle Scripts on Oraichain. An Oracle Script is a file which will collect data from different AI Data Sources or Oracle Scripts before using test cases given by the user to test those data. If they satisfy the requirements of the test cases, the script will trigger an aggregation phase, and then the aggregated data is stored on the Oraichain for future usage and verification.

To create an oracle script, the creator must broadcast a MsgCreateOracleScript to Oraichain. The contents of the message includes:

  • The owner of the oracle script.

  • The name of the oracle script.

  • The schema detailing the inputs and outputs of this oracle script, as well as the corresponding types.

  • The URL for the source code of this oracle script.

The following attributes of an oracle script are stored on Oraichain:

  • Name of the oracle script.

  • Owner of the oracle script.

  • Overall description of the oracle script.

  • Minimum fees required to run this oracle script. This fee is calculated based on the fees provided by the data sources and the test cases.

  • The list of data sources that this oracle script executes.

  • The list of test cases that this oracle executes.

AI Request

An user can create a new AIrequest to Oraichain to use a provided AI service. Oraichain stores basic information of an AI request for querying, and other systems can use the request's result for their business logic. Behind the scenes, users invoke an oracle script call, where the system chooses randomly a set of validators that execute the oracle script and collect the results. The results are stored on Oraichain for other users or system to re-use in the future. Note that users can specify the number of validators that they want to run the script. Below are the required attributes for an AIrequest:

  • Request ID that identifies uniquely the request.

  • Name of the oracle script that the user wants to execute.

  • The creator of this AI request, which is the user.

  • The list of validators that run the oracle script.

  • The block height that this AI request transaction is added.

  • AI Data Sources and Test Cases used in this AI request.

  • Fees that the user spends for this AI request.

  • User's input for the test case.

  • User's expected output for the test case.

These attributes after stored on-chain will not be modified for the sake of reusability and immutability.


Validator is an actor that participates in the Oraichain system, which is responsible for committing blocks and executing test cases to validate data from different data sources. If the test cases satisfy the conditions stated in the oracle script, the validator will aggregate data from such data sources. As a result, the validators receive rewards which are ORAI tokens by doing so, and by committing new blocks. Becoming a validator requires a decent amount of ORAI tokens staked to guarantee reliability

Validator is not much different from a full node. Nevertheless, in order to execute AI requests, a validator needs a separate process that runs in the background. That process is responsible for executing requests based on the events it receives from its node. After executing, it must send a new transaction onto Oraichain as proof, which is called a Report. A report has the following fields:

  • ID of the AI request.

  • Results of the data sources. This is proof for a validator that it has run the oracle script.

  • Results of the test cases.

  • The block height when the validator adds this report on-chain.

  • The aggregated result of the oracle script.

Note that Oraichain uses reports from the validators to provide incentives for all participants. As a result, each validator must behave in an honest manner to earn trust within the community.


Executors play a role as a validator for the working of a subnetwork on Oraichain. Similar to a blockchain validator, an executor participates in the execution and verification of the computation, in this case, the calculation of the random data. However, compared to blockchain validators, VRF or AI Execution subnetwork executors require much less computing resources and don’t need to achieve 100% uptime.

AI Result & Reward

After collecting enough reports from the validators, an AIRequestResult stores the final result after aggregating the results from the reports of an AI request, which are immutable and can be reused. It contains:

  • The ID of the request to identify which this AIRequestResult belongs to.

  • The list of resutls from different validators.

  • Status of this AIRequestResult. It can be in pending, finished, or expired mode. It is in pending mode when there are not enough reports, but the deadline is not reached. An AIRequestResult deadline counts as a threshold for a specific number of blocks passed from the block that has added the create AI request transaction. For example, an AI request is added into block ten, and the threshold is ten. As a result, the deadline is block twenty. If the AIRequestResult receives less than the number of required reports, it will be considered as expired. Other than that, the AIRequestResult is in finish mode.

Oraichain also stores a Reward struct to incentive entities that have contributed in the process. Even when an AIRequestResult is in expired mode, those who have reported or data sources, test cases that have run successfully and correctly will be rewarded. In order to do so, there are a few parameters for this Reward struct that we need to consider:

  • The list of validators that successfully report back to the system.

  • The list of data sources that have run and produced quality results. Quality here means they passed the test cases.

  • The list of test cases that have run successfully.

  • The block height of this reward. Each block only has at most one Reward stored on chain.

  • Total voting power of the validators and their fees to incentive them properly.

  • Provider fees required by each data source and test case provider so we can reward them.

Last updated