Compile a Contract

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions for compiling the cosmwasm smart contract. Example contracts for this can be found at

Install cosmwasm-tools

The easiest way is to simply use the cosmwasm-tools to compile cosmwasm smart contract. Follow these steps to install cosmwasm-tools:

  • Using npm:

npm install -g @oraichain/cwtools
  • Or can use yarn:

yarn global add @oraichain/cwtools

After installed this package, to verify if installation process took place successfully, type to your terminal:

cwtools --version

For more information of cwtools command, type:

cwtools -h

Compile cosmwasm contracts

To compile cosmwasm contract using cosmwasm-tools, use following command:

cwtools build path-to-contract

You can compile multiple cosmwasm contracts:

cwtools build path-to-contract_1 path-to-contract_2

Last updated

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