Become Testnet Fullnode From Source

Instructions to install the oraid binary and run as a service by systemd

Oraid Installation and setup


Operating System

This tutorial assumes that your node is running Ubuntu LTS version (i.e: 18.04, 20.04 or 22.04). It does not work with Ubuntu 16.04 or older versions.

Go version (required)

The Golang version should be from 1.22.7 and above If you have not installed it yet, you can refer to this document.

Make sure that $GOPATH is in your $PATH. It's the crucial part of this tutorial.

Make (required)

If your node does not have Make, install using:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install make

Gcc (required)

You need to install Gcc to build the binary. Type:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc

Build the binary from source

Please define the $ORAI_HOME environment variable which will be used as the working directory, in this tutorial we will assume that your $ORAI_HOME is root. If you don't define it, all of the following installations will be using your $HOME folder as $ORAI_HOME, please replace $ORAI_HOME with $HOME in the corresponding commands (except export ORAI_HOME command).

Make sure your user has enough permissions to write data to the $ORAI_HOME folder.

# Export ORAI_HOME env variable
export ORAI_HOME="/root"
# clone the Oraichain network repository
git clone

# enter the repo
cd wasmd

# checkout the latest tag
git checkout <tag>

The <version-tag> will need to be set to either a testnet or the latest mainnet version tag.

The current mainnet version tag will be v0.50.4 - i.e:

git checkout v0.50.4

Next, you should be able to build the binary file using the below command:

# go to main folder ($ORAI_HOME/wasmd)
cd wasmd
make build

After running the above commands, your oraid binary can be found in $GOPATH/bin. To confirm that the installation is succeeded, you can run (please make sure that $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH):

oraid version

The current binary version for Linux users is v0.50.4

Libwasmvm version: oraid query wasm libwasmvm-version, which should give: 2.1.3

Initialize Orai Testnet Node

Use oraid to initialize your node (replace the NODE_NAME with a name of your choosing):

oraid init NODE_NAME --home $ORAI_HOME/.oraid --chain-id Oraichain-testnet

Download and place the genesis file in the orai config folder:

sudo apt-get install wget -y
wget -O $ORAI_HOME/.oraid/config/genesis.json

Finally, your working directory should be like below:

├── config
│   ├── app.toml
│   ├── client.toml
│   ├── config.toml
│   ├── genesis.json
│   ├── node_key.json
│   └── priv_validator_key.json
└── data
    └── priv_validator_state.json

2 directories, 7 files

Setup to run node

Edit config

vim $ORAI_HOME/.oraid/config/config.toml

Update seed and persistent_peers address

seeds = "e80c9d494188635284bb529308330cac10c326e9@, e80c9d494188635284bb529308330cac10c326e9@"
persistent_peers = "e80c9d494188635284bb529308330cac10c326e9@, e80c9d494188635284bb529308330cac10c326e9@"

Start your node

oraid start --home $ORAI_HOME/.oraid

Last updated

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