Create An Oraichain Account

In order to bridge the Oraichain Network, validators, and users, Oraichain has introduced Oraiscan (aka. Oraichain Explorer) and ORAI Wallet.

In a nutshell, Oraiscan serves as the main portal that shows all activities happening on the Oraichain Network, including basic functionalities such as Transactions, Blocks, a Validators list along with cutting-edge AI-powered features such as Data Sources from AI providers, Test Cases (from testcase providers), Oracle Scripts (execution templates), and Requests.

To notch up the full user experience on Oraiscan, you need to create an Oraichain account. Below is the thoroughgoing process of doing so:

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Click on Connect Wallet and you’ll see a KeyStation pop-up window.\

Step 3: Choose Import Wallet to create a new account.

Step 4: Type in your own Wallet Name, then click Generate Mnemonic

The then-generated mnemonic phrase acts as a private key for your wallet, so you should keep it secure with notepaper and/or a soft copy for later use.\

Step 5: Click Next to set up a PIN password and confirm it once again. You must remember the password - if not, you’ll never be able to recover your account.

Step 6: Lastly, you’ll be redirected to an Encrypted Mnemonic Phrase. Just copy and paste it underneath, and then hit Connect.

Congratulations, now you’re good to flick through Oraiscan!

Last updated